Jet's Desk

Garden Updates

Hey, I’ve been busy around here. Getting the garden ready is taking longer than expected due to rain and time logistics. (I have about a two hour window during the day when the baby sleeps to do outside stuff.)

I also wanted to see if the photos I uploaded would work. Here is the first one which is the raised beds I assembled.


They are the 3ft tall and 17 inch tall raised beds by Vego Garden. I don’t recommend the 3ft tall one without help during assembly, the metal will bend and tip while you try to assemble it under it’s own weight and you’ll cut your fingers up real good. The 17 inch beds are perfect to put together on your own. We set these up in the 2.5 x 9ft layout.


Here are some of the plants I’ve got started, these are my purple hull peas that have outgrown their starter pods. They need to be moved into the beds this weekend.

Just need to level out the rest of the area, I dug up a much larger area to hold all three beds with room between for gravel. After that I can lay down the gopher wire and the garden fabric to keep everything out of the beds I don’t want up in there.

It’s been pouring rain which is leveling the sand out for me, by this weekend I should be able to get the floor finished and the beds filled. (That dead grass in the first pic is going to be filler between the logs and leaves.) The plan is to put logs at the bottom, then grass/leaves, yard dirt (which is 80% sand), then some topsoil to keep moisture in.

Each bed will have a cover, we have one of them so far so that’s going on the tomato and pepper bed first. The dogs can’t reach inside the 3ft bed but the lower ones would be an issue if left with easy access.